Applewood Davidson Plum Gin 500ml
Applewood Davidson Plum Gin 500ml
Adelaide Hills distillery was founded by Laura & Brendan Carter from lo-fi winery Unico Zelo. Crafting unique Australian spirits and liqueurs using native local ingredients to share the wonders of the rarest flavours with the rest of the world is their motivation while helping to future proof Australian agriculture for generations to come. Working with artisans who farm sustainably and work in harmony with nature, Applewood are telling the story of the history of Australia and the indigenous custodians of the land in a delicious, interesting and innovative way. Australia's evolutionary characteristics of endemic flora stand at the forefront of Applewood's continuing efforts to slow and stop climate change. They utilise their distinct flavours to generate an avenue for two way agriculture practices and native reforestation to take place - to return some of the wild to the country's fragile ecosystems.
The Davidson Plum Gin is a unique, modern, bright and plump. The plum flavours interplay with sugary malt, delicate strawberry gum, herbal wild basil and juicy sumac, which is finally blended with a rare Davidson Plum Wine. Coming from a wildly tropical tree, Davidson plums can be grown in a wide variety of soil types. The plum resembling fruit is tart, juicy and extremely high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants. The fruit itself can also be hairy like a peach depending on the species.
The inspiration for this gin came from a chance remark from one of Applewood's farmers who spoke about a large cereal brand using the plums in common muesli and then labelling the ingredient 'Australian Plums'. They soon realised that most of us had known the flavour of native plum from childhood but had never been exposed to it. Only 1000 numbered bottles of this gin have been made.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Australia
Bottle Size - 500ml
ABV - 43%
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