Balcones Baby Blue Corn Whisky 700ml
Balcones Baby Blue Corn Whisky 700ml
Produced from roasted heirloom blue corn, Balcones Baby Blue Corn Whisky is the first Texas whisky in market since Prohibition. The oily and rich maize adds a new level of sophistication to the corn whisky tradition, all while keeping the verve and freshness of classic American distilling.
The resulting whisky has aromas of kettle corn, cinnamon, melted butter, nutmeg, vanilla, toffee, and fresh ground coffee across the nose. The palate blends together brown sugar, cotton candy, smoked chilis, tropical fruit, and slight apricot. A medium long warming finish with late hints of cinnamon, mint, and green peppercorns.
The Finer Details
Style - American Corn Whisky
Country - United States
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 46%
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