Don Fulano Añejo Tequila 700ml
Don Fulano Añejo Tequila 700ml
A highland tequila, Don Fulano is made from 100% estate grown mature blue agave cooked in autoclave ovens, naturally fermented in open tanks using wild and cultivated yeast, and distilled in approximately 80% copper pot still and 20% copper, double column still. The spirit is distilled to 50% to 55% then cut with demineralised water from a deep well in the distillery. The tequila is non-charcoal filtered and contains no additives.
Don Fulano Añejo is unlike any others. It is not predominantly sweet or overpowered by wood and has absolutely no added sugars, colours or preservatives. A harmonious balance between agave notes, spice and the character from the soil the agave was grown in. A blend of different aged tequilas, the minimum having had at least two and a half years in new and used French limousine oak, with ageing sometimes going up to five years.
Elegant and aromatic, with rich dark fruit and delicate jasmine and honeysuckle notes.
The delicacy of the nose carries on into the palate, with the dried fruit providing a base on which to build other flavours. Peppery agave is accompanied by sweet banana and maple syrup, ground coffee and a sweet almond nuttiness with a long finish of spice and more agave pepperiness.
The Finer Details
Style - Anejo Tequila
Country - Mexico
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%
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