Fords London Dry Gin 700ml
Fords London Dry Gin 700ml
Distilled in London at Thames Distillers, Fords Gin is a collaboration between 10th generation master distiller Charles Maxwell and gin expert Simon Ford. A modern take on a classic London Dry Gin, Fords Gin starts with a traditional base of juniper & coriander seed balanced by citrus, florals and spices that are steeped for 15 hours before being distilled. Each botanical blends together to create the perfect base for any gin-inspired cocktail.
A mix of 9 botanicals including Juniper, Coriander, Lemon Peel, Bitter Orange Peel, Grapefruit Peel, Angelica, Cassia, Jasmine and Orris.
is a very bright and aromatic gin with a light sweetness on tip of the tongue. A gentle introduction of the botanicals follows with notes of angelica root and citrus oils balancing on the palate beautifully. The finish lingers with fresh zesty grapefruit and juniper.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Scotland
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 45%
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