Four Pillars Fresh Yuzu Gin 700ml
Four Pillars Fresh Yuzu Gin 700ml
At Four Pillars, they have had a thing for yuzu for a while now, and with three limited-edition trial runs under their belts, they are finally ready to launch the newest member of their core range: a stand-alone, honed and perfected Fresh Yuzu Gin. A bright, aromatic and (yes) fresh dry gin made with locally-grown yuzu and inspired by their adventures making gin with Japanese friends.
Native to China, Tibet and Japan, yuzu is a citrus fruit with amazing aromatics that are a mix of lemon, mandarin, cumquat and grapefruit. The yuzu brings a mix of lemon, mandarin, cumquat and grapefruit aromatics – all bright and fresh citrus notes – while the addition of finger lime adds some deeper citrus character. Learning from adventures making gin with Japanese friends, Four Pillars used ginger, turmeric and sencha genmaicha, a Japanese green tea with roasted brown rice, for depth of flavour. A canvas of strong pine-needle juniper, and a bit of lemon myrtle adds a touch of lemon curd.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Australia
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 41.8%
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