Four Pillars Spice Trade Gin 700ml
Four Pillars Spice Trade Gin 700ml
Four Pillars Spice Trade Gin is their fourth Distillers Series gin. It was produced through trading ides and spices with the team at Stranger & Sons in Goa, India. Aromatic, vibrant this new gin is a fun, loud and fresh celebration of the distilleries love of Indian flavours and food.
The resulting gin begins with a hefty juniper base to support the various botanicals. The nose has aromas of chilli, finger lime, turmeric, and cardamom. A huge palate with cashews, macadamia, cassia, and sarsaparilla holding the spices together. Blending with anise myrtle and lemon, are long pepper, red chilli, and green Szechuan.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Australia
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 43.8%
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