Glenglassaugh Sandend Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Glenglassaugh Sandend Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Glenglassaugh is produced using the highest quality of Scottish barley and traditional distilling methods, their key focus being on quality. While many distilleries have become highly automated, at Glenglassaugh their spirit is still handcrafted by a small, highly skilled team dedicated to creating the highest quality product. Only the finest casks are selected to slowly mature their precious spirit in their coastal warehouses until it is ready.
Since 1875, Glenglassaugh distillery has sat quietly on the edge of the picturesque Sandend Bay, midway between Portsoy and Sandend, breathing in the North Sea air which flows through its warehouses and invigorates its sweet Highland spirit with notes of the sea. Silent for a period of more than 20 years, the distillery was re-awakened in 2008 and its stills brought back to life.
Mineral-rich water, microflora and the North Sea air, three subtle influences which come together to make Glenglassaugh coastal malt whisky. The story of Glenglassaughs luscious single malt begins in the Glassaugh spring, located on Durne Hill, overlooking the distillery. This clean, pure source of mineral-rich spring water influences the sweet, tropical taste of every Glenglassaugh expression. As the water passes through production, the distillery opens up to nature with the lush scent of yellow gorse filling the still house air. From a signature crack of sea salt to tropical flora, the distinct tasting notes of Glenglassaugh single malt can be found in the elements which surround the distillery. Following distillation, Glenglassaugh matures in their coastal warehouses, deeply nourished by the north sea air. This process helps develop a harmonious balance between the lush, ripe new make spirit and the sweetness of oak casks, all finished with a signature crack of sea salt.
It’s impossible to separate Glenglassaugh the whisky from Glenglassaugh the place. The lush sweetness of this coastal single malt is a complete distillation of its natural surroundings. Its whole essence is created by both the visible and invisible influences of land, sea, air and spring water. - Rachel Barrie, Head Distiller.
Glenglassaugh Sandend is inspired by the crescent beach of Sandend Bay where the distillery resides. Enriched in bourbon, sherry and manzanilla casks, over time the lush flavour of Glenglassaugh Sandend brightens into waves of tropical sweetness, infused with a crack of sea salt.
A brilliant summer gold in colour with a nose of soft buttery vanilla ice-cream drenched in tropical fruit, with chocolate and a touch of sea salt. The palate has waves of salted-caramel with an effervescent burst of pineapple, cherry and grapefruit, enlivened by the ocean shore.
The Finer Details
Style - Scotch Whisky
Country - Scotland
Region - Highlands
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 50.5%
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