Highland Park Valfather Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Highland Park Valfather Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Valfather is the final single malt whisky in a series of three special edition Viking Legend releases, inspired by Odin, the mightiest and most complex of the Norse gods, who’s associated with wisdom, sorcery, poetry, death, wolves and ravens. An intriguingly complex figure, it only follows that this whisky should be just as complex…
Winning Gold in the 2020 World Whisky Awards, Valfather is the distilleries most peated whisky to date and matured entirely in their finest refill casks to ensure that all that peat is balanced with subtle layers of flavour and character. You’ll taste sweet apple, fragrant pear, crème brûlée, toasted cedarwood and smoked paprika, hence the term ‘stickysmoke’.
The packaging for the whole series was created by Jim Lyngvild, a Danish designer and artist of international renown, whose great grandfather 36 generations ago was Ragnvald Eysteinsson, the first Earl of the Orkney Islands.
The Finer Details
Style - Scotch Whisky
Country - Scotland
Region - Orkney
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 47%
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