Hobart Whisky Triple Distilled Tasmanian Malt Vodka 500ml
Hobart Whisky Triple Distilled Tasmanian Malt Vodka 500ml
Hobart Whisky Triple Distilled Tasmanian Malt Vodka is made with 100% Tasmanian malted barley, which imparts subtle sweetness and character to the spirit.
Brewed, fermented and distilled a stone’s throw from Hobart CBD at our own distillery, twice distilled on our locally made copper pot still before a third distillation on our column still. The nose provides malt, butter, and citrus spice. Biscuit crumb, light fruit, and candied lollies on the palate with a smooth, malty finish. Cut to 43% abv with pristine Tasmanian water, perfect in a cocktail or complex enough to be enjoyed neat or over ice.
The Finer Details
Style - Vodka
Country - Australia
Region - Hobart, Tasmania
Bottle Size - 500ml
ABV - 43%
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