Hussong's Tequila Anejo 700ml
Hussong's Tequila Anejo 700ml
Hussong’s Anejo Tequila is made from 100% blue weber agave, harvested at a minimum age of 5 years, from both the lowlands and highlands of Jalisco, Mexico.
A unique cooking method combining the old traditional way of cooking agaves in brick ovens and stainless steel autoclaves for 32-36 hours. The Tequila is then aged for at least 15 months in used bourbon barrels to give it a smooth and balanced taste.
Refined and complex aromas of caramel, vanilla, apple and cinnamon are reminiscent of apple pie, the palate continues with added notes of chocolate, orange and honey with a hint of aromatic spice and a toasted oak finish.
The Finer Details
Style - Anejo Tequila
Country - Mexico
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%
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