KAH Blanco Tequila 750ml
KAH Blanco Tequila 750ml
No two bottles of KAH tequila are the same with each and every individual bottle being a hand-crafted work of art. KAH, meaning life in Mayan, was inspired by the traditional Calaveras (sugar skulls) used in Dia de los Muertos rituals to symbolise death and rebirth, for the design on these unique bottles.
Apart from the standard traditions of shrine building and gift giving, things are taken a step further and rather than going home after the graveside celebrations, many people stay and sleep in the grave yard. They believe that this act re-enforces the emotional connection between them and the deceased.
Kah Blanco Tequila has intense sweet aromas of cooked agave followed by a spicy which peppery punch. This silky and delicate Tequila will leave delicious, lingering mixed spices on the palate.
The Finer Details
Style - Blanco Tequila
Country - Mexico
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%
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