Ki No Bi Kyoto Dry Gin 700ml
Ki No Bi Kyoto Dry Gin 700ml
Ki No Bi Kyoto Dry Gin is a uniquely Japanese expression of the classic English spirit.
Master Distiller Alex Davies of the Kyoto Distillery uses a spirit base distilled from rice and adds botanicals like yellow yuzu, hinoki (cypress) wood chips, bamboo, gyokuro tea, and green sanshō (Japanese peppercorn) berries that are designated into: base, citrus, tea, herbal, spice, and floral. Each botanical category is steeped into the rice spirit, which is then individually distilled before blending together. It is brought to proof using water from Fushimi, known for its purity. Ki No Bi translates to "the beauty of the seasons"
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 45.7%
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