Martin Miller’s Original Gin 700mL
Martin Miller’s Original Gin 700mL
One of the most awarded gins in the world, Martin Miller's Original Gin is pot distilled using two separate distillations of the very best earthy and citrus based botanicals. This imparts its unique balance of citrus and juniper. The final distillate is blended to strength using Icelandic spring water. It emerges in a state so pure that there is no need to artificially demineralize or distill it, giving the gin it’s gentle bouquet and trademark sensation.
Smooth and delicate, with long lasting citrus notes that are neither too bitter nor sweet, coupled with Juniper notes punching through whilst not overpowering, climaxing in a soft, clean finish.
England Distilled, Iceland chilled.
The Finer Details
Style - Gin
Country - England / Iceland
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%
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