Mijenta Tequila Reposado 700ml
Mijenta Tequila Reposado 700ml
Mijenta Tequila Reposado is an award-winning, additive-free, sustainable tequila from the highlands of Jalisco in Mexico that celebrates the traditions of Mexican culture and embodies the best of the land and its people. Mijenta tequila honours the craft and tradition of its history and ancestors and is inspired by centuries old myths and legends from the region. One of the most trusted, respected and awarded tequila authorities in Mexico, Mijenta's Maestra Tequilera Ana María Romero brings over 25 years of experience in the tequila industry as she oversees the entire tequila process for Mijenta from start to finish. She believes that every single aspect of the process matters, which is reflected in the craft that goes into each stage of Mijenta’s journey. An intersection between art and science play an important role in creating Mijenta’s style.
This tequila is made using sustainable and socially responsible practices, ensuring that each bottle is not only of the highest quality but also has a positive impact across the stages of the product lifestyle such as the environment and the communities where the agave is grown. From the beginning, they have worked to be as environmentally responsible as possible while also delivering benefits to local communities. Their core values include community and sustainability as they strive to bring these to life through their tequila range. Their agave never uses pesticides or herbicides, supporting biodiversity and responsible agricultural practices. To help preserve strong agave for the future, Mijenta ensures that 10% of the plants are with quiote, which allows greater genetic variation. A mission to educate and appreciate is proven to be their ultimate purpose as they proudly craft through a fully carbon neutral process. All packaging elements are eco-friendly including the labels which are created locally from agave waste and bottles which are produced using recycled glass. The Blanco and Reposado boxes are made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
Derived from “Mi Gente,” which means “My People,” Mijenta refers to a community of like-minded people who come together to celebrate life. For Mijenta, everything begins with quality. They are the sole tequila producer to earn B Corp certification. This means they have met or exceeded assessment criteria measuring their social impact across categories including corporate governance, the environment, community, employees and customers. In addition to their own initiatives, Mijenta partner with organisations and their like-minded partners to support non-profit organisations like Women's Earth Alliance and the Ocean Foundation or Whales of Guerrero to advance their goals in strengthening local communities and protecting the planet. They hope to build this positive impact as they continue to grow.
Mijenta's award-winning, additive-free, sustainable tequila is distilled exclusively using 100% fully mature Blue Weber agave from Los Altos, deep well water. They use only the best ingredients which undergo a meticulous production process to capture all the nuances of the agave and the terroir of the region. The unique Jalisco terroir consists of mineral-rich, red clay soil with high iron content, lime and other elements that lend a minerality to the tequila. The process includes slow cooking to develop the Reposado's characteristic texture and notes. Special yeasts highlight its natural flavouring during fermentation followed by delicate distillation and an unfiltered finish to preserve the complex flavours and elegance of their tequila. There is no set time for the aging period of the tequila in the barrels as Mijenta believe it's ready when it's ready. However it is aged up to 6 months in a blend of American white oak, French oak, and French acacia casks presenting a more mature and fuller expression with a long finish on the palate. Commitment to perfection lives in every detail and for Mijenta, no detail is too small.
On the nose, the Reposado offers delicate floral aromas of inviting vanilla with notes of caramel, bergamot, honey, preserved fruits and orange blossom flowers. This light golden hued, bright and transparent tequila is powerful bodied, full of cooked agave flavours with a mid-palate of cacao nibs and hints of minerality. It has a long, refined and crisp finish with good balance between sweet and spicy flavours.
Manipulating the aroma, taste, body or colour with additives defeats the purpose of tequila, which is to taste the agave and experience the craftsmanship that has gone into creating it. Mijenta believe that being additive-free is a critical component of quality for premium tequila hence their recognition by Tequila Matchmaker as Confirmed Additive Free.
The Finer Details
Style - Reposado Tequila
Country - Mexico
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%
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