Nikka Days Japanese Whisky 700ml
Nikka Days Japanese Whisky 700ml
A vibrant addition to the Nikka range, Nikka Days Japanese Whisky is a bright and vivacious blend of grain and malt whiskies from both Nikka's Miyagikyo and Yoichi distilleries. Its medium body hosts an array of floral and zesty flavours which mingle effortlessly with an underlying vanilla-toffee depth and a light, distant touch of breezy peat smoke. On the nose is fresh, fruity apples, pears, strawberry and honeydew, with a mix of orange oil, malt sweetness and lemon cheesecake. The palate is creamy and smooth, with toffee apple, roasted nuts, toasty malted cereal, vanilla fudge alongside a hint of barrel char, freshened up by juicy apples. The finish is a buttery lemon shortbread vanilla and sugar.
The Finer Details
Style - Japanese Whisky
Country - Japan
Bottle Size - 700ml
ABV - 40%
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