Rare Perfection 15 Year Old Cask Strength Canadian Whisky 750ml
Rare Perfection 15 Year Old Cask Strength Canadian Whisky 750ml
The Rare Perfection whiskies are just that ”exceedingly rare and just about as perfect as whisky gets. The careful selection for this brand is unmatched in the industry. Nationality doesn't apply.” If it's a true rarity and the whiskey is great, it can be bottled.
This lot of Rare Perfection 15-year whiskey is made from a bourbon mash bill of corn, wheat, and malted barley that was distilled in Canada. This whiskey was originally intended to be aged in a cold warehouse for a relatively short period of time, but the distillery was sold off and these barrels were forgotten in the back of the warehouse and left to age in the cold Canadian air. 15 years later these barrels were discovered, dumped, and bottled at barrel proof. Rare Perfection 15 year is a limited release that was bottled at cask strength, 119.7 proof,
The Finer Details
Style - Whisky
Country - Canada
Bottle Size - 750ml
ABV - 59.9%
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